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Showing Gratitude For Clients Builds Business

How long has it been since you genuinely thanked your clients? We don’t mean a casual thank you typed on an invoice or with a handshake as they left your office. We’re talking about a genuine thank you that is sincere, relevant, meaningful and tells your clients that you value them as people, not just the dollars they add to your bottom line. Expressing your gratitude to your clients goes a long way toward deepening relationships and garnering referrals. It’s good for your business and you.

  • Saying Thank You Builds Loyalty
    Your clients really do have a choice. Likely, you have competition, and clients can go to your competition instead of you. Telling your clients that you’re grateful for them helps them feel better about themselves and their choice for your services. They want to come back to visit you because of how you treated them. They send referrals because they want their friends and family to experience that same gratitude. Sincere gratitude builds loyalty and helps your business grow.

  • Saying Thank You Improves the Client Experience
    According to a Competitive Enterprise Institute survey, more than 85% of consumers will pay more for a better client experience. They want to come first. When you greet them by name, help as they need, value your clients as people and show gratitude, you improve their client experience during and after the sale.

  • Saying Thank You Encourages Word of Mouth Advertising
    Thanking clients tells them that they made the right choice. People who feel good about your client experience will tell their friends. Those friends tell their friends, and the positive word of mouth cycle continues—which the most efficient and cost-effective way to build your business.

  • Saying Thank You Makes You Feel Good 

    Gratitude betters your own mood and improves your outlook. Instead of focusing on problems, you’ll feel energized to look for solutions as you still are grateful to your clients.

We’re big fans of showing thanks because it’s polite. It’s also one of the best tools for building relationships and making your clients feel appreciated and wanted. We encourage you to create a strategy that shows your clients how thankful you are for them. What can you do today to start showing gratitude?

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