Personalizing Your Client Experience

Thanks to the likes of Facebook and Amazon, we’ve come to expect a very personalized client experience in every product category. Whether it’s buying the latest tech gadgets or finding the hottest pair of jeans, we expect that our individual wants and needs will be catered to, and a menu of unique options based on those wants and needs will be presented. 

Your clients are no different – regardless of your industry. Home buyers, patients, diners, shoppers – they all expect to be treated as special and exclusive when it comes to their experience. And as online disruptors continue to influence supply, pricing and transparency, the need for your business to follow suit increases. But how can you deliver a personalized experience as a small business?

The good news? It’s not necessary to invest in expensive marketing analytics or artificial intelligence. Here are a few no/low cost-high value ways to give your customers a better experience.

  1. Understand your clients. Who are your clients? What is important to them? Why would they choose your services? Who are your repeat clients and why? Then answers to these questions allow you to determine what services make the most impact within your business.

  2. Call them by name. There’s no shortage of research about how we like to hear our names. Get to know your clients on a personal level. Keep notes of important events in their lives –even if you don’t have a fancy client relationship management software. Call them on the phone. Send them a personal note. Let them know they’re important to you by acknowledging what’s important to them.

  3. Make suggestions and recommendations. Once you know your clients personally, you can offer your expert advice on what they need – not necessarily what you want them to buy. Whether it’s a product you offer or a service one of your competitors has that you don’t, being open and transparent drives return business.

  4. Start a loyalty program. It doesn’t have to be a fancy offer. If you’re a retailer, a simple punch card for every purchase works wonders for return business. If you’re a realtor, a gift for referring business increases your bottom line.

Creating a more personalized client experience – in big or small ways – is a proven way to increase your customer loyalty, gain more referrals, and drive up your revenue.


Engaging Multiple Generations at Work


Lemme Be Brief. - Mitch Case