Body Language: Framing Your Communication


Well, it's May 2021 and the world is still stuck halfway between the virtual world and meeting face-to-face again. Communication was hard last year. However, I have to say, this in-between status has people in a precarious situation. We've been communicating through Zoom, FaceTime, and text messages, with half of our faces covered. The way we approached other people depended more on the words we said instead of the way we spoke those words.

The world is opening back up and so do we.  

Communication has and will always be the main component of how we establish relationships with others. So while our words will always hold weight, our body language also needs to convey a message. You've heard the same old song-and-dance about how to sit in an interview or making eye contact when speaking with someone. All are still true but now, more than ever, it's going to take more than just the same ole, same ole to get by. We want to strengthen your relationships.

Here's some tips on getting your body language on point:

  1. Limit your distractions.

    1. Okay, so the first one isn't technically a part of your body but this is the foundation you need to set for yourself. Whether you're in-person or still digital, limiting what's going on around you can keep you from glancing around or fidgeting your hands. You want the other person to know that you're focused on them.

  2. Watch those facial expressions.

    1. As someone who struggles with this one personally, I can't begin to tell you how important this one is. You always want to be aware of when you're smiling, or not smiling, or laughing when maybe there wasn't a joke. Wield those facial expressions like the strength they are!

  3. Choose your body position.

    1. When you go to sit down or you're sitting down for a virtual interaction, make sure you're in a position that is comfortable and familiar to you. Feeling and looking relaxed while also maintaining that level of professionalism not only lets the other person know you're at ease but puts them at ease as well!


While I wish there was a perfect formula for every interaction, there just isn't. However, putting these three tips in your arsenal will help you not only better your communication skills but foster those relationships!

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Click here and here to read more about body language!


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