More Than a Meal

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Engagements Aren’t Just for Marriages

2020 is almost over with the holiday season fast approaching. However, Covid is still present in our lives and in our workplace. With home’s turning into offices and offices integrating preventative safety measures, companies still have one big thing on their hands: employee engagement. Now, more than ever, keeping employees engaged, active, and immersed in the company culture needs to be at the top of the list for priorities. 

Between all the changes this year, there’s one powerful number that I keep coming back to: 64% of people will/have left their jobs this year alone. Why? Employees don’t feel like they’re being heard, especially during this pandemic. With a whopping 90% of people feeling like they aren’t heard when they give feedback, how can companies overcome these statistics? 

Here’s why companies should be looking at engagement for keeping those employees who may be deciding to leave: 

  • 71% of employees say that a high level of engagement will bring them success and/or help them be successful 

  • 81% of employee stated when they are engaged it increases customer satisfaction 

  • 69% of employees said that if they were appreciated more, they would work harder 

  • 21% of companies are more profitable when they focus on employee engagement

The numbers say it all: employee engagement is the key to getting employees to stay, to increase the level of customer satisfaction, and to make a company more profitable. 2021 is the year to embrace these employees and make their voices heard.

Want to know how More Than A Meal aids in employee engagement? Check out our “Why Us” page here!