More Than a Meal

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Millennials Are Quitting

A year ago, Forbes magazine conducted a survey stating that “49% of millennials quit their job within two years”. With millennials being a large portion of the workforce and almost 50% of them leaving their employer, companies are seeing an even larger turnover than before. Which begs the question, why are these millennials fleeing stable jobs, opting for more untraditional routes? Here are some key takeaways: 

  • Millennials have ambitions that aren’t exactly aligned with the workforce. Here are the stats: 

    • 57% want to travel 

    • 52% want to be wealthy (how they obtain this wealth is still up for debate)

    • 49% want to purchase a house

    • 46% want to make an impact on society

    • 39% want to start a family 

  • Millennials aren’t exactly the most positive when it comes to the economy or their own personal finance.

    • “More than 50% believe that their personal financial situation will decline or stay the same within the next year”

  • Millennials don’t trust the world around them. 

    • 73% believe that the leaders in political and community standings don’t positively impact the world. 

    • 27% say that they have “‘zero trust’ in the media as a reliable and accurate source of information”

  • Millennials don’t say at their jobs. 

    • 28% of millennials “would remain with their employer for at least five years”

While some may be surprised by these numbers, what the younger generation want in the workplace is shifting to just “typical” job aspects. The need for diversity, inclusion, a positive work culture, loyalty, flexibility, and the mutual trust between employees and employers are the foundation for what these millennials are seeking. Actions and not words, with an active focus on these things, will help not only getting millennials in the door but staying for a while.

Check out our “Why Us” page here to see why More Than A Meal is helping businesses keep these millennial employees!

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